Well drilling under arctic conditions affects the ecological situation in the region. At the same time, specific climatic conditions have additional requirements for designing, equipments and technologies. There are also particular specifications for drilling highly tortuous offshore wells. Making drilling fluids is a main task to ensure both technical capability and safety in case of oil spill.
The Arctic Region is the world storage of energetical reserves. Significance of offshore mining is increasing from day to day, especially on the background of depletion of easily accessible hydrocarbon reserves. Exploration of a shelf plate is an essential component of economic and strategic development of Russia.
Shelf plate exploration is carried out under harsh weather conditions: vast time period of storms, hard ice situation, change of stream velocities. All this creates additional requirements for the design, choice of applied equipment and technologies. Well drilling under arctic conditions is relevant to the environmental safety in the region. Restoration of the ecological balance in the zone of ecological catastrophe takes a lot of time. And major disasters are capable to tilt the ecological balance of our planet at all.
The main objective of exploration of the arctic shelf plate is development and implementation of high performance technologies that are security-wise and applicable to use in the Arctic region.
The important link of the technological chain of modern well construction is the drilling fluid that performs a lot of functions when carrying out drilling operations.