With the continued focus on increasing safety and improving operational efficiencies, these areas of needed improvement was highlighted in a recent conductor driving operation. To improve and strive towards achieving a truly "hands-free" conductor driving, the use of various technologies was reviewed. Combining technologies, the ability of remote-operated equipment such as the specialty flush joint elevator, remote-operated slips, and the hydraulic hammer has allowed the shift to a more hands-off operation nearly reaching our goal of "hands-free".

With the upcoming work, the client expressed a drive to make these operations not only as efficient as possible but to increase the focus on red zone entry and overall safety. The pre-planning of these operations drove our operations team to review all equipment selections and review ongoing operations worldwide to determine the best solution for this project.

The results of this focus-driven planning and collaborative effort led to the completion of these operations in a hands-free manner and improved running speeds. The project was completed before their required date which led to savings for our client and without incident proving this complex operation under adverse conditions can be completed while improving safety on the rig floor.

The continued use of these procedures and technology will continue to set the standard for operations well into the future of conductor-driving operations. Along with the procedures that were improved throughout the campaign, the solution aboard proved once again that having the right equipment for the job not only increases safety but improves the overall product delivered to our client, in this case, a stable and sound start of their well.

With the combination of these technologies, producing a nearly hands-free driving operation, the customer can improve their chances of safe efficient operations by keeping personnel out of hazardous areas.

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