Use of non-metallic and composite materials into process industry can avoid the most common problem of corrosion which will lead to better assets integrity, life-cycle cost reduction and faster projects delivery. However, there are several technical challenges with respect to the selection and utilization of Non-metallic materials. The objective of this paper is to promote the cost-effective non-metallic solutions in ADNOC Group Companies through development of new specifications, vendor support and single point responsibility.

The desired performance of non-metallic materials in different applications for the designed life can be achieved through involvement of pre-qualified technology providers in design, engineering and installation based on proven performance track record. Exploring the non-metallic materials and related technology solutions at an early stage of project can ensure and maximize the payback. On the other hand, developing engineering procedures, technical & operational expertise, and standardizing qualification programs can fast track Non-metallic materials deployment for the identified opportunities.

ADNOC Gas and Group companies have already been using non-metallics and composite materials in some applications, however it should be reviewed based on whole life cycle cost against the specific application and advance technology to benefit more. Generally, the projects viability is founded on capital expense (CAPEX) which is based on selection of specific material for application resulting into lower cost. However, in case of non-metallics it is important to analyze the potential application in totality before identifying non-metallic material. Whole life cycle cost analysis may be compared with carbon steel as a base case considering all the scenarios of using lined carbon steel, carbon steel with corrosion inhibition and other alternatives like HDPE pipe and Reinforced thermoplastic pipe (RTP). On the other hand, utilization of liners in rehabilitation of old pipelines when properly assessed can result into significant economical solutions depending on application and technology. The integrity management of such assets is always through the Inspection of non-metallics which is a major challenge, yet there are various conventional Non-destructive Testing (NDT) techniques are available which are selectively used for non-metallics in oil and gas industry based on their effectiveness and limitations. Technologies are being explored and recommended by non-metallic industry as it evolves for further development & qualification before considering for a field trial.

Mandatory requirements for strict compliance are a must for overall project success and sustainability of non-metallics applications during operation. Developing and benchmarking design specifications, procedures, manufacturing process, QA/QC requirements and installation methods for non-metallic materials can result into shorter delivery period of projects, low construction costs, better assets integrity and without or negligible maintenance of assets of ADNOC Group Companies. Learning from experience of other reputed operators around the world having benchmarked their deployment of non-metallics would further enhance benefits and confidence of ADNOC Group in utilizing technologies and promoting the in-country value.

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