We claim decarbonization of Oil & Gas operations is feasible without major technology breakthrough. It first relies on energy efficiency and digitization, to help reduce the emissions amount and improve control. It can be completed by massive process electrification. The latter is initiated in some sectors, from pipeline compressors to FPSOs or LNG plants. It is being explored for process heating applications. We describe the approaches, hurdles, necessary development and changes in industry mindsets.

We have analyzed in depth more than thirty ‘low hanging’ decarbonization tracks. These start with the right GHG assessment and performance tool, based on the saying that you can't improve what you don't measure. These tracks are technically available and feasible today. They are compared in terms of feasibility in brownfield & greenfield, implementation costs, timeline & risks, as well as ROI and CO2_OI (Return On Investment and CO2 impact reduction On Investment).

We also identify several design paradigm shifts, applicable for all greenfield projects and provide some practical examples, from fully remote operations to flaring elimination. These design paradigm shifts are evaluated in terms of feasibility, ease of deployment and suggestions are made on how to integrate them in design and operations philosophy.

One major such shift is the need for Demand Side Flexibility when embarking on large heater electrification. We describe several approaches to address that.

We eventually analyze approaches such as CCUS, Green or Blue Hydrogen which are often the only ones considered for process decarbonization. We identify the pros and cons of these approaches and assess their real long-term financial sustainability.

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