Material control plays a vital role in the success of any construction linked Project. Any deviation in material identification and traceability due to human error, leads to cost and time impact due to shortages, delays due to re-ordering and price escalation. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) device coupled with Global Positioning System (GPS) technology helps in maintaining real-time material database, with real-time location of materials at all stages of the project. RFID technology helps in the material identification and RFID tags are used for locating the materials utilizing the contact-less RFID reader. GPS technology helps in material positioning segment indicating the material location in the designated grid. RFID and GPS together establish their coordinates which instantly detects the material position and indicates an image of the storage yard digitally on the screen that eases material traceability in the designated space. Implementation of an RFID-GPS enabled material control system creates a dynamic material database that brings in transparency and real-time information on material status.
RFID-GPS system enables ‘End to End’ Material Tracking with updated real-time data and physical availability status throughout project duration starting from the receipt, storage, issuance and further installation at site till start-up. RFID-GPS enabled system ensures faster delivery of material information as compared to the manual processes and aids material coordinator with reliable information that can help to take decisions for optimization of the project vitals. Real-time information about material receipt upon entry into project premises without time lag helps to acknowledge missing items and generate short supply materials instantly, thereby averting schedule disruption. Any missing or un-traceable material is notified well in advance for timely action. Dynamic material database keeps all stakeholders in unison on the inventory status and can reduce incidents or loss of material from site. The system has definite advantage of reducing the Construction man-days lost due to re-works arising out of material identification, searching, segregation based on material composition. RFID systems have the potential to improve work productivity and enhancing better project schedule adherence, overcoming human error in manual material control at project sites.