As part of a green field development project for ADNOC offshore, NPCC here in after called as "contractor", successfully completed installation of an oil and gas processing super complex at offshore Abu Dhabi. This super complex consisted of four large interconnected platforms of different functionalities and an accommodation platform. Associated flare structures and interconnecting bridges were also installed as part of this project. Weights of the topsides in this project were varying from 7,000MT to a ∼32,000 MT. All these topsides were installed by float-over method using contractors own cargo /launch barge fleet.

Gas treatment platform topside installed as part of the above project is the world's heaviest single-module topside Installed by float-over on a fixed steel jacket. Float-over is the process of installing the topside on a preinstalled jacket by ballasting and/or by other methods of load transfer such as hydraulic jacks. This installation method is widely used for heavy topsides, due to its cost effectiveness and efficiency. By float over installation method, the topside can be installed as a single integrated unit after completion of all hookup and commissioning works onshore.

This paper outlines installation engineering challenges during EPC phase for the gas treatment platform topside. Design of this topside went through phenomenal changes in terms of its size and weight during EPC phase and posed several challenges to install this unit as a single module. This paper presents the installation method, and various parameters considered during installation and also includes discussion on selection of float-over barge, importance of weight control & layout design, finalization of topside support height on barge and installation aids. This paper also presents various installation engineering analyses required during design stage. Float-over installation of the gas treatment platform was carried out by the conventional load transfer method (by ballasting) and using normal spread mooring arrangement.

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