Gas injection is amongst the oldest and most used enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods in the petroleum industry. Nevertheless, gas EOR is subject to poor macroscopic sweep efficiency due to the higher mobility and lower density of gas compared to reservoir fluids. Foamed-gas injection can regulate the mobility of gas by trapping a large fraction of the gas inside the porous medium, thereby increasing its apparent viscosity and reducing its relative permeability. However, the poor stability of foam at harsh reservoir temperature and salinity conditions is a major limitation that hinders the effectiveness of the foam flood. A combination of surfactant and nanoparticles (NPs) provides a novel solution to foam stability challenges.

This study evaluates the role of NPs on enhancing foam stability. Static and dynamic laboratory tests were conducted along with particle size and zeta potential measurements to capture the foam stability and strength in porous media for a cationic surfactant combined with surface modified silica NPs. The static bulk foam stability was determined by measuring the foam half-life over time. The dynamic foam stability was determined through the mobility reduction factor (MRF) using a micromodel apparatus. The tests were carried out on a variety of NPs concentrations and fixed surfactant concentration.

The results from the experiments show that the use of surfactant combined with NPs enhances the stability and strength of the generated foam when compared to the use of surfactant alone. The foam static tests show that the mixture of NPs and surfactants produces foams with smaller bubbles and longer half-life when compared to those in the absence of NPs. The results also demonstrate that the concentration of surfactant and NPs is a crucial parameter for foam stability and that there is an optimal concentration of NPs for strong foam generation. In porous media, the addition of NPs to surfactant solutions results in larger pressure differences across the micromodel chip and, accordingly, greater reduction of gas mobility when compared to those using surfactant solution alone. The results also reveal that the generation of NPs flocs is the main mechanism of foam stabilization enhancement.

This work shows that using NPs at carefully selected concentrations in combination with surfactant can improve the foam static and dynamic stability in porous media, effectively lowering the mobility of the injected fluids and, eventually, improving the sweep efficiency of gas compared to the typical application of using surfactant alone.

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