The aim of this abstract is to focus on the Maintenance Management System (MMS) that was implemented at ADNOC LNG to accomplish operation excellence, effective decision-making regarding maintenance activities, and utilization of the Risk Management Process to assure asset integrity and major production revenues.

Risk-based MMS is a continuous improvement (CI) system to proactively prevent failures through the early identifications of risks, failure modes, failure criticality, and risk mitigation by utilizing cost effective predictive maintenance tasks and routines. Risk-based MMS effectively provides support for high critical decisions to assure asset integrity, minimize plant trips, avoid unnecessary forced shutdowns, and guarantee safe operations.

Asset Integrity Management (AIM) is important in the oil and gas business because it ensures reliable assets, performance, efficiency, cost effectiveness, sustainable production revenues, and achieve business objectives and operational excellence. Maintenance, Operations and Engineering are the key partners and custodians to assure asset integrity in compliance with HSE. The very close interface between the three result in high levels of asset reliability and availability.

In 2016 ADNOC LNG's Maintenance Division deployed the Maintenance Management System (MMS) driven by the Risk Based Reliability Approach. The objective was to perform consistent maintenance activities and asset integrity assurance by identifying risks and mitigations to reduce the risks in early stages to As Low As Reasonably Practical (ALARP).

The MMS Policy and Strategy was developed on the foundation of the risk-based approach in line with ADNOC LNG's corporate objectives, ADNOC's code of practice, and internationally accepted best practices.

The alignment of MMS with the Risk Based Approach was achieved by ADNOC LNG through successful implementation of Streamlined Reliability Centered Maintenance (SRCM) as a risk-based reliability asset integrity management tool. SRCM implementation achieved +98% reliability, cost reduction, work force utilization, proactive maintenance, and sustainable production. SRCM is mainly for rotating equipment, electrical equipment, and instrumentation. RBI (Risk Based Inspection) is already utilized for static equipment. The combination of both RBI and SRCM are successfully assuring the integrity of all assets at ADNOC LNG.

The key topics, which will be focused on, are criticality assessment, risk management, and asset integrity management reliability system SRCM (Streamline Reliability Centered Maintenance). The main challenges to implement MMS were: receiving the team's buy in, making sure the team was aligned with MMS policy and strategy, and cultural challenges. The system was successfully deployed with consistent processes and procedures helping maintenance end users perform in accordance to best practices.

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