This paper focuses on the use of gas turbines (GTs) equipped with Dry Low Emissions (DLE) combustion technology in offshore oil and gas (O&G) applications. The paper presents information from offshore GT units and discusses improvements in operational reliability and fuel flexibility that have been achieved as a result of extensive testing on combustion systems. These improvements, coupled with significant NOx emissions reductions have made DLE gas turbines a viable alternative to non-DLE gas turbines, the latter of which have traditionally dominated the offshore market.

Field operating data will be presented on three lightweight industrial gas turbine models that have been offered with DLE as a standard configuration for over 20 years. Currently, 394 units operate in offshore applications. The DLE configuration has accumulated more than 22 million hours of service. The paper outlines the performance, reliability, and fuel profiles of the current offshore fleet, confirming that DLE combustion systems have now achieved reliability on par with non-DLE combustion systems.

A brief review of the testing experience proving the reliability and the range of fuels that can be burned within the DLE system will also be discussed in the paper.

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