This Instruction outlines the procedures for testing spare pumps. The text includes:

  1. Definition

  2. Responsibility

  3. Switching Intervals

  4. Switching Time

  5. Switching Procedure

  6. Switchover Dashboard


This procedure outlines switching between "Main Pump" (running pump) and "spare pump" (the one to be tested). All other type of equipment's (rotating and/or stationary) will be switchover based in the following:

  • PM (Preventive Maintenance) program.

  • Inspection Program

  • Test and Inspection T&I program

  1. Share the operational load between equipment.

  2. Minimize the number of equipment starts.

  3. Reduce problems resulting from long stand-by periods.

  4. Accommodate the maintenance and vibration monitoring activities.

  5. Ensure the reliability of stand-by equipment.

  6. Follow up the rotating equipment performance.

Operation Superintendent:
  • Ensure the equipment switchover is responsible for ensuring that the outlined procedure is followed and implemented by all concerned personnel.

Area Operation Foreman:
  • Area Operation Foreman is responsible for ensuring that the outlined procedure is followed and implemented by all concerned personnel.

  • Update the schedule by updating the equipment switchover status sheet for each process area and send to RU.

  • Document switchover activities.

  • Approve the standby equipment form for the equipment that deviated from the switchover plan for more than (2) cycle from switchover plan.

Reliability Engineer:
  • Ensure the equipment switchover is conducted.

  • Report equipment that deviated from the switchover plan for more than (2) cycle from switchover plan.


Switching between spare pumps and main ones shall be done once every 4 to 6 weeks to ensure the equipment availability and reliability. It shall coincide with the monthly vibration survey. For the compressor lube oil system, the functional test is preferred to be scheduled before a planned compressor shutdown.

Discussions were held with the rotating equipment manufacturers, specialists and users to clarify all corrosion, electrical and mechanical concerns regarding the switching periods between alternate pieces of rotating equipment. The compilation of all of these discussions and concerns resulted in the following two basic guidelines which within themselves comprise the heart of the Rotating Equipment Operating Strategy.

A. MEDIUM VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT (Higher than 600 V up to 13.8 KV):

Equipment of this voltage type should be switched from the stand-by mode to the operational mode once per month.

Note: Excluding any stand-by equipment that is not required by Operations should be run a minimum of one continuous hour every month.

B. LOW VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT (Equal or Less than 600 V):

Equipment of this voltage type should be switched from the stand-by mode to the operational mode once every two weeks. This includes the switching between the main and auxiliary lube/seal oil pumps.

Note: Excluding any stand-by equipment that is not required by Operations should be run a minimum of thirty continuous minutes every two weeks.


Switching between critical pumps shall be conducted during the normal working days in day time where the support organizations are available.


This RIM covers four different pump startup scenarios. Each one of these scenarios includes important checks and procedures that need to be followed to ensure a reliable pump start-up. Below you will find a detailed start-up procedure for each scenario. The procedure will be detailed but general, additional steps may be required for some particular process.

  1. The follow up program focuses on the critical motor driven equipment in the GOSPs. The main purpose of this program is to obtain data that will be used to evaluate the proposed guidelines as well as diagnose the equipment problems.

  2. Operations to monthly fill in the Rotating Equipment Status Form (Refer to below Form).

  3. Engineering will issue an annual report that reviews and analyzes critical equipment performance based upon running hours, stand-by hours, and start-up numbers.

Key Performance indicators (KPI's)

Switchover = (Total Equipment comply with switchover/Equipment Schedule Switchover) X 100%, Target 90%


Switchover the pump:

Equipment Procedure Contents Feedback 
Common Preparation for staring  Suction pressure should be higher than NPSHr 
Centrifugal pump for asphalt service Warm-up procedure (2) Maintain flush (5 to 7 psig) & vent valves to the mechanical seal open all the time even if pump in standby mode Steam quench related contents should be added.
Ex) Maintain steam quench pressure (5 to 7 psig) 
Centrifugal pump for asphalt service Warm-up procedure (4) Hand turning of the pump rotor during warming –up stage It would be very difficult to do hand turning because coupling guard disturbs this job.
We may need to remove coupling guard to do hand turning 
Equipment Procedure Contents Feedback 
Common Preparation for staring  Suction pressure should be higher than NPSHr 
Centrifugal pump for asphalt service Warm-up procedure (2) Maintain flush (5 to 7 psig) & vent valves to the mechanical seal open all the time even if pump in standby mode Steam quench related contents should be added.
Ex) Maintain steam quench pressure (5 to 7 psig) 
Centrifugal pump for asphalt service Warm-up procedure (4) Hand turning of the pump rotor during warming –up stage It would be very difficult to do hand turning because coupling guard disturbs this job.
We may need to remove coupling guard to do hand turning 
  • Supplement 001-start up and Stoppage for general Centrifugal Pumps for All Refinery Area

  • Supplement 002-start up and Stoppage for special Centrifugal Pumps.

  • Supplement 003-start up and Stoppage for special reciprocating/Screw Pump.

  • Supplement 004-start up and Stoppage for special Mixer Pump.

  • Supplement 005-start up and Stoppage for special chemical Pumps.

  • Supplement 006-start up and Stoppage for general Centrifugal Compressor for All Refinery Area

  • Supplement 006-start up and Stoppage for special reciprocating Compressor.

  • Supplement 008-start up and Stoppage for Turbine.

  • Supplement 009-start up and Stoppage for Fin Fan.

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