A giant oil field consisting of carbonate reservoirs in onshore Abu Dhabi has been provided with long term Field Development Plan, including several Dual Oil Producer (DOP) completions in formations Shuaiba and Kharaib, more specifically in zones A & B to maximize oil recovery. Upper Zone and Lower Zone B have been producing on natural flow using dual completions. This has been possible due to high reservoir pressures available since the beginning of the production.

Conditions have changed, especially for the Lower Zone B, and reservoir pressure has been declining for the past years. As a result, several wells ceased to flow mainly due to lower pressure and/or higher water cut conditions. Therefore, Gas Lift has been selected as the preferred artificial lift method in lower zone B.

The problem has been identified in current dual wells where Upper Zone is still producing but changing dual into Gas Lift single oil producer in lower zone B will translate into halt in oil production in upper zone, therefore reducing the oil recovery for Upper Zone. This is a consequence of the current practice of plugging and abandoning the Upper Zone.

An innovative application for dual oil producer completion with Gas Lift mandrels in long string has been evaluated to keep both zones producing and extend the ultimate oil recovery of the current wells. Candidate selection, including analysis and workflow, will be presented in detail. Moreover, the design process, well modelling and installation will be addressed further in this paper.

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