ADNOC Gas Processing, one of the world’s largest gas processing companies, operates 5 large sites (includes 26 processing trains and an NGL distillation complex at Ruwais) and manages 3000+ kilometre pipeline distribution network which has a capacity of 8 billion standard cubic feet of gas per day. Both the country’s electricity and water supplies are dependent on ADNOC Gas Processing’s continuous operation and the safety of people working on or near their assets is dependent on their safe operation.

The ADNOC Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Code of Practice (COP) requires that ADNOC Gas Processing implements a systematic approach to HSE which is consistent with the ADNOC HSE Management System. Therefore the ADNOC Gas Processing HSE Management Manual (HSEMM) serves as the ADNOC Gas Processing HSE Management System (HSEMS) and describes expectations in line with the ADNOC COP and provides an overview of how these expectations are met.

In addition to ADNOC CoP Requirements, Process Safety Expectations from ADNOC Gas Processing’s Process Safety Management Standard are included in the ADNOC Gas Processing HSE Management Manual (HSEMM).

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