15K Open Hole Multi Stage Fracturing (OH MSF) completion was successfully implemented with the goal of hydrocarbon production at sustained rates from tight HPHT gas formation and to diversify technology portfolio to address similar challenges.

OH MSF completion technology has been globally proven successful in enhancing the well design, stimulation efficiency and production. As more wells are being drilled deeper, longer and in more challenging formations, the OH MSF technology also evolved resulting in introduction of a HPHT – 15K psi working pressure - MSF system. The technology had to overcome many challenges before it could be deployed. Pre-deployment stages of this technology have two main components;

  • Standard tool design including material selection, NACE compatibility, dimensions, API standard compliance, testing, and prototyping

  • Completion construction design, installation challenges & force analysis

The candidate well was drilled horizontally to achieve enough formation contact in a tight HPHT formation. Wells with similar poor development have been seen to require upwards of current OH MSF completions reaching to their limits of 10K psi differential pressure downhole to successfully complete with proppant fracturing. Candidate well was planned to be trial tested with 15K OH MSF completion to solve the challenge of high breakdown pressures and to capitalize on the greater productivity of open hole completions across this tight HPHT formation.

The proppant fracturing operations resulted in the successful completion of five stages of proppant fracturing in this formation. A total of more than 1.2 million lbs of proppant was placed during hydraulic fracturing operations exceeding 10K differential pressure across the MSF completion. The well showed an excellent post frac flowback results exceeding expectations. Previous wellbore completion pressure limitations in many instances acted as a constraint to reach job objectives has been surmounted.

The implementation of 15K OH MSF completion system has helped pave the way to attend tighter formations in an efficient and cost effective manner. Engineering approach and design to develop this completion system and utilization in the right candidate confirmed the benefit of the completion for field development options. The implementation of this technology will improve and diversify the efforts in exploiting tight HPHT formations.

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