This work describes ADCO's Discipline Development Frameworks (DDF); which helps the implementation of a Competency based approach to employee development by grade and discipline across all assets. In addition to ensuring the consistency of skills across ADCO, such Development Frameworks provide structured development programs and monitoring mechanisms, thus enabling a one ADCO Vision. Such effort informs and encourages career paths, and a "lifelong learning culture" through this master guide referred to as the "Discipline Development Framework (DDF). This DDF is therefore, a comprehensive career development framework for all employees, which ensures a high caliber workforce.
The process of the DDF starts with the refinement of ADCO's Career Ladders. Following this detailed identification of appropriate skills levels, the DDF is developed by Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in the Discipline. This is double checked internally, refined and benchmarked with other OPCOs and the Industry at large. Following this, the DDF emerges; identifying core competencies, Support, Behavioral and all related Soft Skills essential for all disciplines, job grades. The skill levels (Awareness, Knowledge, Skill, Mastery and Expert Levels) for each are highlight. Mixed and blended development initiatives are also identified.
An outcome is therefore a master career guide document that provides clarity to employees, ensures consistency of development within ADCO, minimum standards and transferability by grade and discipline across all assets and functions. It also aids morale and increases employee retention since there is the knowledge of clear progress and strategic support for such. The DDF also ensures a centralized and harmonized approach to learning & development.