We follow step-by-step the course of a new development, from a fluids and production chemistry perspective, focusing specifically on asphaltenes. Information and data from reservoir geochemistry, PVT, fluids characterization are combined to estimate and locate asphaltenes fouling risks all the way from downhole through the process and up to export.

The overall workflow (characterization techniques, risk assessment method, selection of mitigation or prevention measures) provides a framework for dealing with fields with asphaltenes issues.

The asphaltenes risk assessment is based on an in-house method, which we will describe. This method uses PVT properties of the live oil and an easy asphaltene characterization procedure ('ASCI rating'). Further investigation is limited only to fluids which present a real risk of precipitation.

By implementing the approach developed we were able to attain a balanced estimation of the risks (linked to the fluids themselves and their compatibility, but also to certain process choices) and to propose appropriate mitigation measures. Chemical treatment with asphaltenes inhibitors was suggested for this field. For selecting the chemical, a capillary blocking experiment was developed, a technique believed to be better suited than the conventional tube flocculation test. In those places where the specific process itself created an increased risk, a careful analysis of re-dissolution effects showed that the system was ‘self-healing’.

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