Energy efficiency improvement and optimization of energy aspects on new developments and projects has always potential to reduce emissions. It also has potential to reduce depletion of non-renewable energy resources, in addition to the potential benefits in project economics, through reduction of capital and/or operating cost. Realizing the gravity, GASCO which is one of the largest onshore gas processing companies, decided to develop a comprehensive Framework to focus energy efficiency improvement and optimization at project phase. GASCO started by outlining the specific objectives to be achieved regarding energy optimization and energy efficiency improvement thru energy aspects consideration, with emphasis on complete project lifecycle. Subsequently, developed the comprehensive framework to achieve the objectives. This framework is referred as GASCO Project Energy Optimization (PEO) Framework.
The PEO Framework provides a structured process for review and optimization of energy aspects on new projects and defines the requirements for energy planning and reporting throughout the project lifecycle. Key components of the framework include processes for assessment and optimization of energy aspects, techniques for assessing energy aspects through workshops and desk top studies and guidance on energy optimization at an overall level, process system level and detailed equipment level.
GASCO implemented the PEO Framework on two of its major projects. Numerous challenges were faced during initial implementation of PEO Framework. Few of the key challenges faced were lack of integration of energy optimization activities with traditional working of multiple disciplines engaged on the project, lack of familiarization with PEO Framework, difficulty in PEO Framework based scope comprehension and benefits quantification. GASCO tackled these challenges by appropriate improvement measures including PEO Framework introduction and orientation sessions for project personnel, nomination of focal person to respond all PEO Framework related clarifications and development or improvement of methodologies and techniques on case to case basis.
Substantial benefits were realized in PEO Framework implementation in terms of system improvement as well as project-specific energy performance improvement. Few of the benefits availed include demonstration of effective energy information flow across discrete phases of project lifecycle, energy aspects reporting and tracking, experience of organizing and conducting Energy Review Workshops, introduction of energy related performance guarantees and development of technique for benefits quantification. PEO Framework implementation on two projects has substantively achieved the underlying objective of formal evaluation of energy aspects. Further, awareness and knowledge about PEO Framework procedures & requirements has increased among GASCO staff as well as project teams of respective Consultant / PMC. The paper throws light on the key attributes and features of PEO framework and shares the experience of its implementation on two major projects.