
Vacuum is a negative pressure force generated due to space devoid of matter either partially (Partial vacuum) or entirely (absolute vacuum). Vacuum plays vital role in the research field of chemistry, biology and physics. It is also indispensible in many industrial applications. Generally Vacuum can be generated by equipment's called vacuum ejectors, displacement and kinetic pumps. Vacuum ejectors are special static equipment's can utilize the available energy in the oil and gas reservoir or process. In Some applications available pressure energy from reservoir fluids and compressor discharge pipeline are wasted through chokes and other pressure reduction devices (Recycle flow control or pressure let down controls) which can be exploited to generate vacuum forces by utilizing ejectors. Ejectors are simple and portable static equipment's works by venture principle. By using ejector to create vacuum forces, underutilized or inherent pressure forces generally wasted are used to boost or resume production by lowering well head flowing pressures. This technique avoids oil and gas flaring during well unloading & clean out operation, applied in the field of flare gas recovery, environment sensitive carbon foot print reduction as well. Utilizing Ejectors or Gas jet pumps are the promising technology to tap the hidden available energy in the field of oil and gas. This technology can be considered particularly in place of wellhead compression, Unloading well & Flow to clean operation using atmosphere flaring packages, addition of other equipment's which needs work done through environmentally damaging conventional energy sources. This technology is best suited and can be applied to boost production or recover oil and gas, prevent high sour gas flaring, remote applications of fields which are having multiple reservoirs with different pressure, flow and fluid profile. Economical, environment, convenience of remote handling are some of the advantages which makes them very attractive and are not fully exploited in oil and gas E&P business.

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