For robust field development and reservoir management, it is essential to properly identify reservoir uncertainties. In this paper, we present case studies on the analysis of pressure transient data acquired in one of the offshore Abu Dhabi carbonate reservoirs. The complexity of the reservoir creates a number of uncertainties in the pressure transient behavior, making application of conventional analytical solutions insufficient to fully understand the characteristic of the reservoir fluid flow behavior.

The field was first developed by drilling vertical/ deviated wells in 1980's and then horizontal sidetrack was conducted to enhance the well productivity and improve sweep efficiency since early 1990's. We reviewed the pressure transient test data throughout the field history including past surveys for original deviated holes. It was found that most tests in original vertical/ deviated holes were conducted under the oil-water two-phase flow due to the early water encroachment from the underlying thick aquifer. A close examination of these tests showed that wellbore effects associated with the oil-water two-phase flow significantly influenced the acquired pressure data masking reservoir responses. We also identified major static and dynamic uncertainties complicating the pressure transient analysis in this field. The major feature of the pressure transient behavior is a decreasing trend of the pressure derivative. Due to a number of uncertainties existing in this field, this behavior can imply more than one geological setting: thick active aquifer, faults, and vertical transmissibility reduction.

In each pressure transient analysis, we consequently examined all the identified possible mechanisms adopting different fit-for-purpose analytical and numerical models. The fit-for-purpose modeling was found efficient to evaluate many uncertain factors including geological heterogeneities, multi-phase flow effects, and even the pressure interference from neighboring wells. This approach considering all the possible mechanisms enabled us to understand remaining reservoir uncertainties to be further investigated. In other words, this study is useful to identify major reservoir uncertainties and consider further reservoir surveillance to reduce such remaining uncertainties.

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