In one of the biggest carbonate reservoir in offshore Abu Dhabi that has been producing oil for more than 40 years, oil potential evaluation is affected by many uncertainties as evaluated via pulsed neutron technology across perforated intervals.

The Acid used to stimulate the wells after workovers affect the responses of the pulsed neutron logs. Efforts have been exerted to eliminate this effect. Observations from this field showed that the acid life cycle in the formation can be extracted by comparing and correlating several pulsed neutron sigma logs that are acquired over the years across the same perforated intervals.

It has been noticeable that one of the most influential parameters in removing or eliminating acid existance in reservoir rock is water production, otherwise acid effect on pulse neutron sigma log interpretation remains, resulting in calculating high water saturation across dry oil producing zones.

Understanding this acid effect life cycle helped understanding reservoir performance and reducing uncertainty of pulse neutron sigma interpretation. This paper is showing these observations in our field and is detailing acid effect modeling on pulsed neutron log responses.

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