ADMA-OPCO is currently pursuing the development of several undeveloped structures offshore Abu Dhabi. These fields, some of which have been appraised over the last 30 years, are currently being evaluated and moved forward for full field development. As part of this development we are actively incorporating Intelligent Oilfield concepts into these development plans and this paper seeks to highlight some of the key considerations and assumptions being integrated into ADMA-OPCO’s philosophy for these developments.
The next generation of oilfields is looking at these concepts to apply this advanced technology to:
Enhance hydrocarbon recovery;
Improve the safety for our Offshore Installations (by investigating new ways of working and opportunities to reduce the manning of these Operations);
Reduce the Operating Costs (by improving the overall operating efficiency);
It has been documented (Dickens et al. 2010) that by improving the down hole surveillance and control we may significantly enhance our ability to improve recovery in these large offshore fields. The challenges ADMA-OPCO faces offshore Abu Dhabi is that we are dealing with a high number of complex wells, to ensure adequate drainage and optimum flux rates, to enhance overall recoveries, from these difficult reservoir intervals. The optimal utilization of technology (for the applications of down hole monitoring and control) is complex as the number of wells and increasing complexity in well construction, is driving the drilling Capex higher.
Current development plans in these fields show that a significant component of the field development capex is associated with the well construction costs, a significantly greater proportion of Capex than in conventional offshore developments. This is, due to the relatively lower facility costs associated with shallow water development in the Gulf. Hence optimization of well construction costs is a key component of successful delivery of the new fields. The rationalization of well complexity and organizational capability is an additional component in actively managing the increased risk associated with these non-traditional wells.
Additionally we screened the systems, processes and infrastructure required to ensure optimal delivery of the real time monitoring capability and decision making capability that this technology can unlock. This paper will seek to share how ADMA-OPCO plans to move the field development concepts forward in the project life cycle and how we look to leverage world-wide learning in bringing this technology into offshore Abu Dhabi and details some of the challenges and opportunities that occur as we move forward with these concepts.