Challenging wells have been drilled recently utilizing advanced real time tools and techniques to optimize drilling operation while reducing risk and increasing safety. Moreover, the real time tools and techniques help identify upcoming drilling problems using real time data before they occur. Real time drilling analysis begins when real time drilling data are available and transmitted to the office locations via a remote server. The data can then be interpreted and analyzed by the engineers implementing various models for appropriate decision making. Lately, real time bit wear estimation has been a challenge in drilling a well to reach to the highest drilling performance and avoid bringing serious problems to the bit.

It has been shown that the combination of Mechanical Specific Energy (MSE) and drilling rate models can be used for real time bit wear estimation while drilling. As MSE does not take the bit wear effect into account while drilling rate or rate of penetration (ROP) models do, their difference can be used to monitor and identify bit wear status while bit is in the hole. This paper demonstrates a new form of a developed model to predict bit wear status while drilling which is built by combining rock energy (MSE) model with a newly developed drilling rate model for roller cone bits as well as a previously developed model for PDC bits. Rock confined compressive strength (CCS) is obtained from ROP models and used in conjunction with MSE values to predict bit wear trend. Several bit run sections from offset wells in Alberta, Canada were tested utilizing the model and final results are compared with the reported bit wear outs from the field. Encouraging results show that this methodology can be applied to detect changes in drilling efficiency by monitoring bit wear trend in real time while drilling.

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