Reservoir management based on inaccurate or wrong information leads to confusion, frustration and poor decisions. Oil company subsurface specialists spend valuable time error checking, filtering and inspecting data extracted from company databases. End-users expect archived data to be correct. Primary objectives of the Petrophysics team in ADMA-OPCO are to deliver log data "fit for purpose"1  and "get it right the first time". To assist in achieving this, a system with measurable progress indicators was set up to plan, monitor, and quality check data and data flow. The foundation of this system is the CDLOGS (Control / Development Logging Sheet). The information provided by this sheet is followed up by OQSID (Operation, Quality, Safety and Interpretation Database), a database of quality indices. Analysis of its statistics highlights problems, corrective actions and allows quality to be continuously improved. These tools are the first steps in our development of a full quality assurance process.

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