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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 26th Offshore Symposium, April 6–7, 2021
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2021-14
... fracturing strength numerical simulation subsea system upstream oil & gas simulation characterisation fibre houston fpso floating production system specimen th 2020 february 27 enf test texas texas section th offshore symposium marine engineer proceedings naval architect TOWARDS...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-001
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-002
.... proceedings subsea system motion rao fatigue damage houston hull th 2020 topsides module upstream oil & gas th offshore symposium fatigue life mooring system head sea naval architect ballast condition eco-fpso hull texas texas section sea state INTRODCUTION OF AN ECO-FPSO CONCEPT JUN...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-003
... transportation analysis. houston critical load case th 2020 texas texas section load condition naval architect floating production system motion study proceedings dry transportation marine transportation fe model decoupled analysis th offshore symposium upstream oil & gas longitudinal...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-005
... different conditions. Digital advancements can be applied (such as machine learning algorithms), but the principles can also be used deterministically based on design or as-installed data. th 2020 application mooring system proceedings th offshore symposium houston algorithm resolution texas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-006
... penetration installation resistance anchor th 2020 torpedo pile application texas texas section OFFSHORE ANCHORING SYSTEMS WITH TORPEDO PILES THIAGO ESTEVES MARTINS DELP ENGENHARIA MECÂNICA S.A. Proceedings of the 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27th 2020, Houston, Texas Texas Section...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-010
... th 2020 energy information administration upstream oil & gas turbine hydrogen houston downstream oil & gas social responsibility naval architect TRANSPORTATION FUELS FROM THE SEAS POWER AUTHOR: ROY ROBINSON AFFILIATION: EXCIPIO ENERGY, INC. AUTHOR 2: GEORG ENGELMANN AFFILIATION...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-007
.... naval architect proceedings artificial intelligence wire rope mooring system th offshore symposium diameter inspection visual inspection texas texas section subsea system chain link upstream oil & gas anchor leg houston th 2020 corrosion inspection practice connector IMPROVING...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-013
... sensitivity analysis upstream oil & gas probability collision area houston mass coefficient th 2020 equation limit state function naval architect th offshore symposium offshore pipeline proceedings texas texas section artificial intelligence coefficient drag coefficient sensitivity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-014
... the numerical accuracy of the method. Correlations of our results with experimental observations and measurements will be presented. proceedings gas monetization texas texas section th offshore symposium lng midstream oil & gas th 2020 numerical simulation naval architect free surface...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-022
..., to support Santa Fe International in transportation of oil from the newly found Ekofisk oil field for production in 1973. barge scanned image eductor system houston naval architect norway jet sled clyde comb upstream oil & gas th 2020 offshore symposium proceedings ekofisk oil field...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-026
... architect houston efficiency texas texas section equation application mesh requirement geometry proceedings artificial intelligence offshore structure upstream oil & gas th 2020 offshore symposium APPLICATION OF AMR MESHING FOR EXPLOSION ANALYSIS ON OFFSHORE STRUCTURES J. KEITH CLUTTER...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-027
... for the modification of an As-Built Structure. th 2020 safety surveyor texas texas section site survey houston information laser as-built structure naval architect proceedings laser scanner accuracy th offshore symposium upstream oil & gas scan position LASER SCANNING FOR AN AS-BUILT...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-028
... engineering. pipe cc 0 th offshore symposium material batch upstream oil & gas resistance insulation material novel approach th 2020 houston thermal conductivity texas texas section subsea insulation-nano composite subsea system proceedings naval architect batch application...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 25th Offshore Symposium, February 27, 2020
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2020-029
... interface naval architect subsea system th 2020 houston upstream oil & gas implementation simulation texas texas section AUTOMATED SITE-SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT OF JACK-UP PLATFORMS USING THE CALYPSO COMPUTER PROGRAM MAAS HOOGEVEEN CALYPSO DEVELOPMENT, STANDARD OFFSHORE CONSULTANTS AND OPERATORS...

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