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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-002
... with that form RANS. As a result, VISVE is proved to be quite reliable and efficient. naval architect hydrofoil houston passenger transportation 2-dimensional case texas texas section rd offshore symposium 3-dimensional case vorticity equation velocity field chord length visve marine engineer...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-001
... naval architect reynolds number bare cylinder ih geometry proceedings helical strake geometry rd offshore symposium upstream oil & gas drag coefficient amplitude THE EFFICACY OF INVERTED HELICAL STRAKES ANDREW A. KILNER SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, AMOG CONSULTING, INC. PHIL KURTS PROJECT...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-003
..., this estimation model can be a very useful approach for time-domain simulations. freight & logistics services coefficient rd offshore symposium liquified natural gas midstream oil & gas velocity field wind force texas texas section naval architect calculation wake field approach subsea...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-004
... geometry. Analyses are performed on a simplified drillship using forced heave oscillations. upstream oil & gas rd offshore symposium moonpool surface elevation modification texas texas section proceedings geometry drillship relative free surface elevation naval architect subsea system...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-006
... proceedings strength subsea system individual line tension reliability system failure rd offshore symposium mooring system system pf th 2018 Proceedings of the 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14th 2018, Houston, Texas Texas Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers SAFETY...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-007
... proceedings tendon tension sbt max subsea system max heave performance results texas texas section horizontal motion natural frequency max yaw roll pitch hull max tendon pretension natural period rd offshore symposium KEY DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE DRY TREE LOW MOTION FPSO (LM-FPSO) CHENG...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-008
... as other possible means of mitigation. houston chain link interlink angle fatigue analysis opb fatigue damage rd offshore symposium th 2018 mooring system upstream oil & gas naval architect subsea system interlink stiffness hotspot stress concentration factor texas texas section...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-010
... interface riser installation installation riser adaptor rd offshore symposium riser adaptor structure upstream oil & gas houston riser porch proceedings adaptor tsj fe model UNIQUE RISER INTERFACE STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND ANALYSIS JAMES CRAIG STRUCTURAL SPECIALIST, EXMAR OFFSHORE COMPANY...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-011
... houston subsea system rd offshore symposium decommission riser relocation operation requirement creative execution strategy upstream oil & gas us government opportunity todd veselis general manager GLOBAL DECOMMISSIONING CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES TODD VESELIS GENERAL MANAGER...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-012
... on the configuration of the terminal. rd offshore symposium call point proceedings configuration tank size naval architect texas texas section upstream oil & gas operation houston demurrage export terminal production rate availability terminal risk management vessel call point Keywords...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-013
... on the configuration of the terminal. th 2018 texas texas section wave energy converter renewable energy buoy naval architect ocean energy simulation configuration subsea system platform proceedings rd offshore symposium 1-yr operating houston preliminary design wec platform mooring system...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-014
... subsea system texas texas section gas monetization houston freight & logistics services rd offshore symposium close proximity naval architect lng carrier liquified natural gas caisson shallow water motion response vessel motion proceedings line tension midstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-015
... the process. Case studies will be shown for both deep and shallow water where combinations of different types of tensioner and the pull in connector and uni-joints are being used to provide the anticipated savings in weight, space and installation time. stopper inline tensioner reduction rd offshore...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-019
... of robustness are discussed and a design framework is introduced as one possible method of overcoming these difficulties. This framework is intended to be flexible enough to be used in multiple regulatory environments world-wide. design process rd offshore symposium perturbation texas texas section...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-018
... floating production system rd offshore symposium subsea system naval architect reliability th 2018 engineer houston robustness us government A BRIEF REVIEW OF ROBUSTNESS EFFORTS IN THE OFFSHORE INDUSTRY ALBERTO MORANDI GENERAL MANAGER, GUSTOMSC US INC. Proceedings of the 23rd Offshore...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-020
...-mitigation tool. Positive feedbacks from end-users are utilized for calibration of model and development of new features. platform proceedings deployment artificial intelligence rd offshore symposium operation reamervision hole enlargement under-reamer failure application detection...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-023
... specific procedures. contractor best practice asme nqa-1 procedure project management operation owf industry rd offshore symposium wind energy strategic planning and management quality management system qms energy industry application renewable energy developer naval architect...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-024
... naval architect houston th 2018 texas texas section wind turbine proceedings uncoupled analysis wind energy simulation renewable energy mooring system platform rd offshore symposium uncoupled model COUPLED AND UNCOUPLED ANALYSIS OF Y-WIND SEMI WIND TURBINE FOUNDATION HYOUNGCHUL KIM VL...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 23rd Offshore Symposium, February 14, 2018
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2018-025

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