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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 28th Offshore Symposium, March 8, 2023
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2023-020
... alloys is carried out by highlighting the pros and cons of these latest technological advances in corrosion-resistant alloy development based on the multi-principal element alloy principle. upstream oil & gas alloy naval architect united states government metals & mining texas texas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SNAME 13th Offshore Symposium, February 24, 2004
Paper Number: SNAME-TOS-2004-13-011
.... Specifications, testing and product forms of explosion welded clad; 5. Conclusion transition joint metallurgical weld specification h2s management explosion metals & mining proceedings naval architect corrosion management oilfield chemistry production chemistry houston mating surface steel...

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