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Proceedings Papers

Proceedings Volume Cover
SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics
March 7–8, 2023
Athens, Greece
Day 1 Tue, March 07, 2023

Session 1: Emission Control, CII Compliance

Download All in Session 1: Emission Control, CII Compliance Section
Paper presented at the SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics, Athens, Greece, March 2023. doi:
Paper presented at the SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics, Athens, Greece, March 2023. doi:
Paper presented at the SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics, Athens, Greece, March 2023. doi:
Paper presented at the SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics, Athens, Greece, March 2023. doi:

Session 2: Decarbonization, Alternative Fuels

Download All in Session 2: Decarbonization, Alternative Fuels Section
Paper presented at the SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics, Athens, Greece, March 2023. doi:
Paper presented at the SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics, Athens, Greece, March 2023. doi:
Paper presented at the SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics, Athens, Greece, March 2023. doi:
Paper presented at the SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics, Athens, Greece, March 2023. doi:

Session 3: Digital Twins, Performance Optimization

Download All in Session 3: Digital Twins, Performance Optimization Section
Paper presented at the SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics, Athens, Greece, March 2023. doi:
Paper presented at the SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics, Athens, Greece, March 2023. doi:
Paper presented at the SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics, Athens, Greece, March 2023. doi:
Paper presented at the SNAME 8th International Symposium on Ship Operations, Management and Economics, Athens, Greece, March 2023. doi:

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