Semi-submersible vehicles have low-profile platforms above the water surface while keeping most of their hulls below waterline. In addition to reduced detectability, these craft may potentially have good seaworthiness and hydrodynamic advantage at fast displacement speeds. In this study, exploratory tow tank tests and computational fluid dynamics simulations were carried out with a Suboff model in configurations relevant to semi-submersible vehicles. At different speeds, the optimal drag-lift ratio is found to occur at different submergences, whereas the downward suction force monotonically increases with increasing speed and decreases with increasing draft. The lift center exhibits non-monotonic behavior at variable speeds. Computational simulation results demonstrated good agreement with experimental data and provided insight on contributions of pressure and friction drag components and flow features around hulls. The presented data can be useful for developers of semi-submersible vehicles.
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Hydrodynamics of Semi-Submersible Hull Model at Variable Submergences and Froude Numbers
Konstantin I. Matveev;
Konstantin I. Matveev
Washington State University
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Li P. Sung
Li P. Sung
United States Naval Academy
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Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, Houston, Texas, USA, September 2022.
Paper Number:
September 19 2022
Matveev, Konstantin I., and Li P. Sung. "Hydrodynamics of Semi-Submersible Hull Model at Variable Submergences and Froude Numbers." Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, Houston, Texas, USA, September 2022. doi:
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