As part of his study the author concluded a case study to show that lean manufacture should be implemented specifically in the case of emergency dry-docking which leads to an international competition in ship repair. This case study discusses an accident that happened to a bulk carrier while crossing the Suez Canal, where she was grounded from the forward area causing severe damage concentrated in the Fore compartment and separate localized other damage in way of the bilge keel. A request was sent from the owner to the surrounding shipyards to see the space availability for emergency dry-docking and the best approach for handling such case. For this case the author as project manager in the respective shipyard that had been selected, is illustrating what is done and what should be done as response for similar emergency Dry-docking
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Lean Response for Emergency Dry-Docking
Ahmed Samir Ghowel
Ahmed Samir Ghowel
Arab Shipbuilng and Repair Yard
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Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, Houston, Texas, USA, October 2014.
Paper Number:
October 22 2014
Ghowel, Ahmed Samir. "Lean Response for Emergency Dry-Docking." Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, Houston, Texas, USA, October 2014. doi:
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