This paper describes the development of a distortion control ‘Toolbox’ that can be used to mitigate distortion in thin-structured ship design and fabrication. Highlights of the NSRP project entitled, “Distortion Control ‘Toolbox’ for Lightweight Ship Structures” are presented. The different points of view used to develop distortion reduction recipes include: historic evidence-based approaches obtained from an extensive literature survey, development of ideal states which quantify the best result that can be expected, identification of factors that affect distortion and the relative strength (contribution) of each effect on the final distorted shape, business case and costs for reducing distortion, and a shipyard perspective on what can be done to reduce distortion.
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Development of a Distortion Control ‘Toolbox’ to Mitigate Distortion in Surface Ships
Lisa Hepinstall;
Lisa Hepinstall
Hepinstall Consulting Group
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Dennis Fanguy
Dennis Fanguy
Bollinger Shipyards
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Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, Houston, Texas, USA, October 2014.
Paper Number:
October 22 2014
Dydo, James R., Dlugokecki, Victoria, Hepinstall, Lisa, and Dennis Fanguy. "Development of a Distortion Control ‘Toolbox’ to Mitigate Distortion in Surface Ships" Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, Houston, Texas, USA, October 2014. doi:
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