It is a challenge to prevent an occupational accident in any industrial activities. The aim of this study is to improve the safety and reduce the risk of occupational accidents at shipyard through developing a risk assessment. This paper describes the concept and methodology of risk assessment for occupational safety and its application. The methodology introduces an effective and useful assessment procedure to construct the database based on the past occupational accidents occurred at shipyards. Quantitative methodology is developed to understand the unsafe working conditions and environment at the shipyard by the convenient handheld to collect the data with Information Technology. Some examples of effective hazard countermeasures are suggested and a feasibility study is conducted to improve a walking environment at shipyards.
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SNAME Maritime Convention
October 24, 2012–October 27, 2021
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Development of Risk Assessment Methodology for Occupational Safety in Using Work Observation Technique
Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, October 2012.
Paper Number:
October 24 2012
Shinoda, Takeshi, and Takashi Tanaka. "Development of Risk Assessment Methodology for Occupational Safety in Using Work Observation Technique." Paper presented at the SNAME Maritime Convention, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, October 2012. doi:
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