Static analysis of the lateral deformation of a bottomhole assembly (BHA) is essential for controlling borehole trajectories in directional drilling. A major technical challenge in static BHA modeling is efficiently determining the contact configuration between the BHA and the borehole wall. This configuration, including contact locations and orientations, is not known a priori and introduces nonlinearities into the analysis. Most algorithms addressing the contact problem in BHA modeling are proprietary and lack detailed descriptions. Explicit algorithms based on the Newton-Raphson iteration method and linear/nonlinear complementarity problem formulations have limitations, such as computational inefficiency and the need for predefined contact locations. In this paper, we derive governing differential equations for 3D BHA static deformation, incorporating nonlinear effects from borehole curvature, axial forces, and both discrete and continuous contacts. The finite element method (FEM) is used to solve these equations under appropriate boundary conditions. Within the finite element framework, the Lagrange multiplier method (LMM) is used to impose displacement constraints at contact points, while an innovative iterative process ensures the unilateral nature of the contacts. The algorithm typically converges in O(10) iterations, with each iteration involving the solution of approximately O(102) finite element equations, ensuring high computational efficiency. The algorithm, grounded in principles of structural mechanics, is robust across a wide range of conditions, and its accuracy is validated against a published algorithm. The proposed BHA model is further validated using downhole measurements. In one scenario, bending moment on bit (BOB) measurements from a BHA equipped with a rotary steerable system (RSS) shows strong agreement with the model results, both in magnitude and variation pattern, when a fixed displacement boundary condition is applied at the bit. In another scenario, the BHA model is integrated with a bit-rock interface law to predict borehole propagation trajectories, demonstrating alignment with survey data when the bit side-cutting efficiency is fine-tuned. Additional analyses, including an evaluation of whirling-induced downhole tool failure, are provided in the supplementary material. These validations underscore the versatility and accuracy of the proposed model across various stages of the drilling process. Its computational efficiency makes it suitable for both offline and real-time applications, including prejob BHA designs and the development of operational parameter roadmaps for borehole trajectory control and vibration suppression, real-time integration with downhole measurements to optimize drilling performance, and post-job analysis to diagnose the root causes of undesirable drilling dysfunctions.

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