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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2013 SEG Annual Meeting, September 22–27, 2013
Paper Number: SEG-2013-0791
... Summary Application of Time-Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) methods in hydrocarbon (HC) exploration on land is rapidly growing. We present results of a large-scale commercial project to illustrate the capabilities of advanced TDEM technologies powered by integrated interpretation of geological...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2002 SEG Annual Meeting, October 6–11, 2002
Paper Number: SEG-2002-1602
... Introduction: Summary: Maps and profiles of resistivity based on modeled TDEM measurements have proven to correlate well with drilling results. Surface soundings compare favorably with resistivity logs taken in several wells, and mapped resistivity has proven to be a reliable predictor...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1988 SEG Annual Meeting, October 30–November 3, 1988
Paper Number: SEG-1988-0351
... hole upstream oil & gas stage apparent resistivity curve intrusion log analysis exploration tdem objective mapping brine Case Histories of Mapping Brine-Saturated Formations with Time-Domain EM Soundings Pieter Hoekstra and Mark Biohm, Blackhawk Geosciences Inc. ENG 3.8 Center loop time...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, September 11–15, 1983
Paper Number: SEG-1983-630-1
... gravity data basin sedimentary section reservoir characterization albany county small fraction traverse receiver colorado school em field detection resistivity exploration conductor tdem secondary field response electromagnetic survey ABSTRACT No preview is available...

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