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Keywords: seismic repeatability
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, August 26–29, 2024
Paper Number: SEG-2024-4093093
... exxonmobil technology company geologist trace pair exploration geophysicist acquisition reservoir characterization trace count american association seismic repeatability auxiliary survey helgerud seismic trace primary survey workflow nrm Enhancing 4D seismic repeatability by utilizing more...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2018 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 14–19, 2018
Paper Number: SEG-2018-2998544
... seismic repeatability upstream oil & gas field experiment artificial intelligence Anderson , T. W. , 1958 , An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis : Wiley . Bakulin , A. , R. Smith , M. Jervis , 2014 , Near surface changes and 4D seismic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2017 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, September 24–29, 2017
Paper Number: SEG-2017-17670937
... Location: 351F Presentation Type: ORAL gurevich plume upstream oil & gas pevzner seismic monitoring annual meeting seismic repeatability monitor survey geosequestration co 2crc workflow baseline shulakova seg seg international exposition repeatability reservoir characterization...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2014 SEG Annual Meeting, October 26–31, 2014
Paper Number: SEG-2014-0429
... seismic repeatability Near surface changes and 4D seismic repeatability in desert environment: from days to years Andrey Bakulin*, Robert Smith, Mike Jervis, EXPEC Advanced Research Center - Saudi Aramco and Roy Burnstad, Houston Research Center - Aramco Summary We describe specific challenges...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2014 SEG Annual Meeting, October 26–31, 2014
Paper Number: SEG-2014-0731
... base survey acquisition separation monitor seismic data shot position seismic repeatability seg denver 2014 repeatability analysis upstream oil & gas repeatability reservoir characterization baseline survey reconstruction receiver position monitor survey streamer seismic data...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2012 SEG Annual Meeting, November 4–9, 2012
Paper Number: SEG-2012-0948
... Summary A series of land surface vibrator repeatability tests were conducted in Saudi Arabia as a part of a feasibility experiment for permanent monitoring. While post-stack repeatability of 15% to 20% was achieved, pre-stack seismic repeatability is difficult to accurately quantify. If we can...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2012 SEG Annual Meeting, November 4–9, 2012
Paper Number: SEG-2012-0980
... that, in all cases, the virtual source method improves repeatability of redatumed stacked images even when the density of virtual sources is substantially smaller than that of the surface sources. aperture land seismic repeatability coupling variable coupling phase variation repeatability bakulin...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2012 SEG Annual Meeting, November 4–9, 2012
Paper Number: SEG-2012-0668
... Summary In order to improve the seismic repeatability required for weak 4D signal measurement, we bury the sensors and the sources below the weathering layer. Nevertheless a part of the emitted signal is transmitted to the weathering layer. After a reflection or a conversion in the vicinity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2010 SEG Annual Meeting, October 17–22, 2010
Paper Number: SEG-2010-0142
...Short time-lapse seismic repeatability test, CO2CRC Otway Project, Victoria, Australia Yousuf Al-Jabri* and Milovan Urosevic, Exploration Geophysics Department, Curtin University of Technology and CO2CRC. Summary High seismic repeatability is critical to the monitoring program of the Naylor Field...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2009 SEG Annual Meeting, October 25–30, 2009
Paper Number: SEG-2009-3884
... ABSTRACT A time-lapse (4D) seismic repeatability analysis of Hoover-Madison-Marshall QC seismic volumes associated with major steps in both fast track and co-processing flows has allowed for quantitative documentation of seismic repeatability. NRMS calculations show the significant impact...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2006 SEG Annual Meeting, October 1–6, 2006
Paper Number: SEG-2006-3175
...Onshore 4D seismic repeatability at the gas storage geophysical laboratory P. Faure*,Total, and S. Spitz,CGG Summary Seismic measurements have been conducted between 2002 and 2004, among other geophysical experiments, on the domestic gas storage buffer at Izaute. The seismic measurements have been...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2006 SEG Annual Meeting, October 1–6, 2006
Paper Number: SEG-2006-3300
... streamer reservoir characterization expression repeatability plane wave monitor survey inline direction seismic repeatability receiver source error frequency configuration Repeatability and 4D seismic acquisition Ole E. Naess*, Statoil ASA Summary Time-lapse (or 4D) marine seismic surveys...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2005 SEG Annual Meeting, November 6–11, 2005
Paper Number: SEG-2005-2394
... seismic repeatability geometrical repeatability Improved 4D Seismic Repeatability a West of Shetlands Towed Streamer Acquisition Case History S Campbell*, T. A. Ricketts, D.M.Davies, C.P.Slater, G.G.Lilley, BP, Aberdeen UK, J. Brain, J. Stammeijer, A.C.Evans, Shell UK, Aberdeen UK. Summary A case...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2005 SEG Annual Meeting, November 6–11, 2005
Paper Number: SEG-2005-2414
... seismic repeatability reference list kirchhoff sequence seg houston 2005 picking radon transform crossline regularization regularisation repeatability demultiple reservoir characterization reduction vintage nrm regularization kirchhoff imaging sequence upstream oil & gas correction...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2001 SEG Annual Meeting, September 9–14, 2001
Paper Number: SEG-2001-1656
.... schlumberger cambridge research reservoir characterization upstream oil & gas repeatability seismic line nrm predictability ed kragh repeatability metric predictability value predictability normalized rms correlation metric seismic repeatability perturbation result amplitude nrm...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, September 13–18, 1998
Paper Number: SEG-1998-0009
... repeatability is an impossibility? We have had the opportunity to perform a detailed analysis of an extensive seismic repeatability field study that has spanned more than 10 years. A high resolution 2D testline from the Rainbow B pool in Northern Alberta, Canada was originally shot and processed in 1987...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, September 13–18, 1998
Paper Number: SEG-1998-0012
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. reservoir characterization line 1991 different acquisition parameter line 1997 bandwidth equalization seismic data time-lapse seismic repeatability acquisition parameter seismic repeatability application upstream oil & gas...

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