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Keywords: saudi arabia
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, August 28–September 1, 2022
Paper Number: SEG-2022-3745573
... A comprehensive petrographic characterization has been conducted on the microporosity of the organic-rich carbonate Hanifa Formation in Jafurah Basin, Saudi Arabia. Hanfia Formation composed of organic-rich muddy limestone with more than 90 % carbonate minerals content. Based on XRD analysis...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, August 28–September 1, 2022
Paper Number: SEG-2022-3745682
... (CGAN) to construct a photorealistic 3D “behind-the-outcrop” model from radargram and a drone-based digital outcrop model (DOM). This study tested the method to “see” the stromatoporoid/coral buildups in the interior of an outcrop cliff in central Saudi Arabia. The digital “behind-the-outcrop” model...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 11–16, 2020
Paper Number: SEG-2020-3426758
... Hofuf area in Al Hassa District of Saudi Arabia is well known for its subsurface sinkholes, solution cavities, voids, karsts and caves. These cavities and sinkholes have resulted in short and long term engineering structural stability issues. The development of a sinkhole in a residential area...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2018 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 14–19, 2018
Paper Number: SEG-2018-2985138
... ABSTRACT Petrophysical joint inversion was applied to an extensive dataset from Saudi Arabia. The technique was calibrated and successfully tested on well-log data from carbonate reservoirs. The inversion algorithm was used for treating data and model uncertainties through covariance matrices...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2017 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, September 24–29, 2017
Paper Number: SEG-2017-17583120
... ABSTRACT Waterflooding is the primary recovery method used for oil production in Saudi Arabia and is performed through peripheral injection of treated sea water to maintain pressure at the producers. Monitoring of the distribution of the injected water is performed by reservoir simulation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2016 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 16–21, 2016
Paper Number: SEG-2016-13843875
... seg seg international exposition surface-consistent refraction static saudi arabia dune refraction static high dune refraction method desert environment ABSTRACT A novel, fully automated surface-consistent solution for refracted waves, is developed to solve for a combination of long...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2015 SEG Annual Meeting, October 18–23, 2015
Paper Number: SEG-2015-5886064
... resistivity value deposit kaust traveltime tomogram reflection kaec colluvial wedge upstream oil & gas tomogram anomaly seismic data king abdullah university reservoir characterization saudi arabia qademah fault traveltime resistivity tomogram traveltime tomography...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2015 SEG Annual Meeting, October 18–23, 2015
Paper Number: SEG-2015-5841055
... Summary Wadi Sahba in central Saudi Arabia is considered to be one of the most difficult areas for seismic exploration in the whole Kingdom. The extremely low quality of the seismic data in the wadi section prevents the reliable interpretation of the boundaries of important oil and gas fields...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2014 SEG Annual Meeting, October 26–31, 2014
Paper Number: SEG-2014-0455
... to Surface Electromagnetic (BSEM) surveying. We introduce a rigorous method for 3D inversion of BSEM data based on the integral equation approach and adaptive regularization. We have applied our developed method to 3D inversion of a field BSEM dataset collected in a giant oilfield in Saudi Arabia...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2013 SEG Annual Meeting, September 22–27, 2013
Paper Number: SEG-2013-0484
... in Saudi Arabia, where the TEM data were acquired, provides a high resolution resistivity volume showing high degrees of correlation with the outcropping geology and depth reconstruction extending to about 200 m depth. inversion seg houston 2013 spatial constraint colombo tem data transient em...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2012 SEG Annual Meeting, November 4–9, 2012
Paper Number: SEG-2012-0937
... in Saudi Arabia. The effects of near-surface complexity (in the form of sand, karsts, topography), environmental noise as well as large surface temperature variations are illustrated and quantified by 4D attribute analysis using permanent seismic sources and buried geophones. We show that burying receivers...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2012 SEG Annual Meeting, November 4–9, 2012
Paper Number: SEG-2012-0150
... velocity model amplitude variation geophysics land data acoustic waveform inversion waveform inversion upstream oil & gas tomography model high velocity layer variation waveform tomography model initial model time domain early arrival inversion saudi arabia source gather...

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