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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2010 SEG Annual Meeting, October 17–22, 2010
Paper Number: SEG-2010-4019
... model. The inversion is tested by processing crosswell radar data collected in a laboratory tank. The estimated model is consistent with the known electromagnetic properties of the tank. The formulation for the 2.5D model can be extended to inversions of acoustic and elastic data. tank inversion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2008 SEG Annual Meeting, November 9–14, 2008
Paper Number: SEG-2008-1303
... Permittivity inversion of borehole radar data measured in the vadose zone Hannuree Jang and Hee Joon Kim*, Department of Environmental Exploration Engineering, Pukyong National University; Seiichiro Kuroda, Laboratory of Engineering Geology, National Institute for Rural Engineering Summary...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2008 SEG Annual Meeting, November 9–14, 2008
Paper Number: SEG-2008-1177
... a fully non-linear inverse scattering method for geo-radar data. The value of the methods we employ here lies in what is shared with migration-inversion (i.e., that the inverse output is expressed as an exact set of transforms and weights applied to the input data, wherein the wave field is brought down...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2005 SEG Annual Meeting, November 6–11, 2005
Paper Number: SEG-2005-1081
... onset upstream oil & gas radar data reflection decomposition result decomposition castagna gpr data reservoir characterization gridley frequency seg houston 2005 spectral decomposition instantaneous spectral analysis spectral analysis NSE 2.5 Spectral decomposition of 3-D ground...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, October 26–31, 2003
Paper Number: SEG-2003-1023
... attenuation conductivity reflectivity value dispersion migration algorithm algorithm unit distance gpr data upstream oil & gas radar data media propagation slowness split step fourier migration Split step Fourier migration of Ground Penetrating Radar data Armando R. Sena*, Paul L. Stoffa...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2001 SEG Annual Meeting, September 9–14, 2001
Paper Number: SEG-2001-1353
... permittivity phase variation napl incidence angle apvo analysis radar data reservoir characterization amplitude Amplitude and phase variation with offset (APVO) analysis of ground penetrating radar data Thomas E. Jordan* and Gregory S. Baker, University at Buffalo Summary This paper examines...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2000 SEG Annual Meeting, August 6–11, 2000
Paper Number: SEG-2000-1251
... antenna orientation data collection radar data radiation pattern upstream oil & gas gpr antenna cylinder noise ratio migration multi-configuration ground final image different configuration regular migration weighted migration approach configuration reservoir characterization...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1999 SEG Annual Meeting, October 31–November 5, 1999
Paper Number: SEG-1999-0540
... data underestimate orientation theoretical data configuration amplitude multi-configuration ground Multi-configuration Ground Penetrating Radar data Jean-Paul Van Gestel*, Paul L. Stofa, Department of Geological Sciences, and Institute for G ophysics, The University of Texas at Austin, 4412...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1999 SEG Annual Meeting, October 31–November 5, 1999
Paper Number: SEG-1999-0559
... correlation structure frequency characterize spatial variability british columbia gpr data multi frequency ground multi-frequency gpr data radar data mhz upstream oil & gas variability resolution Multi-frequency ground penetrating radar data to characterize spatial variability Rosemary...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1999 SEG Annual Meeting, October 31–November 5, 1999
Paper Number: SEG-1999-0480
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. reservoir characterization crosshole borehole radar migration receiver tomography transmitter reflection fracture detection information radar data experiment site wave field upstream oil & gas direct wave surface...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, September 13–18, 1998
Paper Number: SEG-1998-0836
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. exploitation void reserves evaluation dimension stone reservoir characterization upstream oil & gas migration gpr section radar data nsec hardpan horizon limestone quarry frequency antenna brazil calcrete horizon quarry...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, September 13–18, 1998
Paper Number: SEG-1998-0322
... experiment peterson application laboratory measurement radar data high resolution time-lapse radar tomography reservoir characterization Moisture migration using high resolution time-lapse radar tomography John E. Peterson, Jr Susan S. Hubbard,, Kenneth H. Williams, and Yvonne Tsang; Lawrence...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1997 SEG Annual Meeting, November 2–7, 1997
Paper Number: SEG-1997-0745
... geophysics reservoir characterization equation propagation jaya fisher radar data NS 1.2 Constructing Migrated-Image Scans for Ground-Penetrating Radar Data by Post-Stack Time Remigration M. S. Jaya* and P. Hubral, Geophysical Institute, University of Karlsruhe, and M. Bothebho, PPPG Bahia, Brasil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1996 SEG Annual Meeting, November 10–15, 1996
Paper Number: SEG-1996-1603
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. PR 6.6 Mixed-phase deconvolution of seismic and ground penetrating radar data Milton J. Porsani *, PPPG/UFBA The Norwegian University of Science and and Applied Geophysics. Technology Department of Petroleum Engineering Abstract A simplified...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1996 SEG Annual Meeting, November 10–15, 1996
Paper Number: SEG-1996-0813
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. hydrologic conductivity fluid flow conductivity fluid flow behavior visualization brewster radar data anderson radar profile tetrachloroethylene reservoir characterization upstream oil & gas radar acquisition parameter...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1996 SEG Annual Meeting, November 10–15, 1996
Paper Number: SEG-1996-0817
... reflector variogram heterogeneity university subhorizontal reflector characteristic length scale upstream oil & gas radar data length scale geologic modeling NS 2.6 The use of ground penetrating radar for aquifer characterization: a geostatistical approach Jane Rea and Rosemary Knight...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1996 SEG Annual Meeting, November 10–15, 1996
Paper Number: SEG-1996-0825
... profile radar data upstream oil & gas water table reflection NS 2.8 Coincident ground penetrating radar and seismic imaging of an aquitard boundary Steve Cardimona*, Boston College; Katharine Kadinsky-Cade, Phillips Lab; William Clement, Phillips Lab Summary In June of 1995, the Earth Sciences...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1992 SEG Annual Meeting, October 25–29, 1992
Paper Number: SEG-1992-0352
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. imaging pipeline upstream oil & gas graphic workstation reservoir characterization gpr data depth migration data cube data processing diffraction cmp gather ground-penetrating radar liang zie hu radar data software...

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