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Keywords: p-and s-wave impedance
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2017 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, September 24–29, 2017
Paper Number: SEG-2017-17653936
...-bearing reservoir prediction. We first derive an approximate reflection coefficient and attenuative elastic impedance involving effects of attenuation, and then we establish an approach to invert for elastic properties (P- and S-wave impedances, and density) and attenuation (P- and S-wave inverse quality...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2001 SEG Annual Meeting, September 9–14, 2001
Paper Number: SEG-2001-0706
... waveform inversion elastic impedance value p-and s-wave impedance reservoir characterization interface elastic impedance inversion upstream oil & gas elastic model mallick prestack inversion poststack inversion ga inversion s-wave impedance angle stack artificial intelligence...

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