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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, August 26–29, 2024
Paper Number: SEG-2024-4072718
... magnetization applied geoscience & energy 10 swarm structural geology geological subdiscipline paleomagnetic direction exploration geophysicist inclination aeromagnetic data abitibi greenstone belt remanent magnetization direction magnetization remanence direction dike american association...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, August 28–September 1, 2022
Paper Number: SEG-2022-3740802
... Stratigraphic sequences are sometimes thin, rarely horizontal and juxtaposed due to faulting. Wellbore trajectories in such strata may not lie along principal stress direction. Perforations for hydraulic fracturing may also be inclined to the principal stress direction. Fundamental understanding...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG/SEPM First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, September 26–October 1, 2021
Paper Number: SEG-2021-3590233
... geoscience rtp reduction equation reservoir characterization rtep grid equator inclination grid upstream oil & gas anomaly exploration geophysicist 10 interpretation declination declination equal latitude operator Reduction to the Pole and Equator for Interpretation over Large Areas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG/SEPM First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, September 26–October 1, 2021
Paper Number: SEG-2021-3594634
... magnetic layer inclination high-velocity layer inversion result inversion Research on the magnetic structure of the South China Sea based on the three-dimensional magnetic inversion with variable inclination and declination Liting Jing1*, Ming Hu1, Yongtao Wang2 1 State Key Laboratory of Marine...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 11–16, 2020
Paper Number: SEG-2020-3428268
..., October 13, 2020 Session Start Time: 1:50 PM Presentation Time: 3:30 PM Location: Poster Station 6 Presentation Type: Poster declination mapping equation 11 magnetization direction structural geology remanent direction exploration geophysicist 10 inclination magnetic source reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 11–16, 2020
Paper Number: SEG-2020-3426827
...) adopted a classification approach (as compared inversions or require component conversions (or phase to regression) for the predictions. Specifically, they divide transforms) in the wavenumber domain that generally do not the continuous range of inclination angles into 10-degree work well in lower...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, September 15–20, 2019
Paper Number: SEG-2019-3216857
... the magnetization direction of a magnetic source body based on a magnetic map. We simulated magnetic data maps with varying magnetization directions from a cubic source body, all subject to the same inducing field. Two CNNs were trained separately, one for predicting magnetization inclinations and the other...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, September 15–20, 2019
Paper Number: SEG-2019-3201888
...: 1:50 PM Presentation Time: 4:45 PM Location: 217D Presentation Type: Oral pressure prediction ikon science ltd summary kester water equation seg international exposition elastic property pore pressure prediction interpretation anisotropy inclination stress assessment pore...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2017 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, September 24–29, 2017
Paper Number: SEG-2017-17589398
..., 2017 Start Time: 3:05 PM Location: 362D Presentation Type: ORAL inclination time window seg seg international exposition matrix detection spectral matrix linearity niitsuma time-frequency domain spectral matrix analysis polarization feature microseismic data moriya particle...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2017 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, September 24–29, 2017
Paper Number: SEG-2017-17781520
... Hall C/D Presentation Type: POSTER total magnetization direction total magnitude anomaly gradient declination inversion anomaly susceptibility inversion gerovska inclination seg seg international exposition annual meeting correlation root mean square error fitting degree...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2017 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, September 24–29, 2017
Paper Number: SEG-2017-17736815
... ABSTRACT An inversion-based workflow has been developed for resistivity anisotropy and formation dip evaluation using deep directional resistivity and conventional array resistivity measurements in vertical and deviated wells with inclinations up to 60°. The inverted anisotropic resistivity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2016 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 16–21, 2016
Paper Number: SEG-2016-13958400
... exposition annual meeting inclination noisy data coordinate rotation reservoir characterization upstream oil & gas receiver splitting parameter splitting analysis azimuth microseismic event back-azimuth s-wave splitting analysis determination microseismic data event back-azimuth...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2015 SEG Annual Meeting, October 18–23, 2015
Paper Number: SEG-2015-5929127
... in the presence of strong remanent magnetization. For this, the dyke is additionally assigned a magnetization of 2 A/m with an inclination of 100o. The ambient field inclination is 60o. The true model and data are presented in red in Figure 6. Adaptive QSA is again applied with random candidate solutions...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2013 SEG Annual Meeting, September 22–27, 2013
Paper Number: SEG-2013-0365
..., as well as a variable magnetic inclinations algorithm, to perform RTP on the real data of total magnetic intensity (TMI) anomalies in the South China Sea, and obtain the reliable RTP anomalies. reduction amplification geophysics declination reservoir characterization pi method low latitude af...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2012 SEG Annual Meeting, November 4–9, 2012
Paper Number: SEG-2012-0079
... reliable image of the subsurface magnetization distribution than possible using just the observed magnetic field data. anomaly magnetic field data centricity magnetic data reservoir characterization inclination remanent magnetization effect eigenvalue gradient tensor canada government...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2011 SEG Annual Meeting, September 18–23, 2011
Paper Number: SEG-2011-1643
... for a certain grid point to be the event location. The particle motion or hodogram information can be translated into a circular probability density function (Eisner et al., 2009) through a van Mises distribution: ( ) ( ) ( = cos 02 1 , e I PDF With the individual event azimuth or inclination...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2008 SEG Annual Meeting, November 9–14, 2008
Paper Number: SEG-2008-0779
... used is a buried vertical 2D contact which we find is relatively insensitive to changes in inclination and dip of the contact, thus making it an ideal first approximation for mapping subsurface structure. Since geological structures can be complex in nature and the 2D contact model proposed here...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2007 SEG Annual Meeting, September 23–28, 2007
Paper Number: SEG-2007-0718
... that is a complex and involves solely a phase transformation becomes singular only when I = 0 and D -? = ±90 o . In practice, the RTP becomes unstable when the magnitude of the magnetic inclination is small. How small does this magnitude fall in the category of “low latitudes”? The answer is very much...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2007 SEG Annual Meeting, September 23–28, 2007
Paper Number: SEG-2007-1292
..., avoids using timeconsuming, inconvenient and less-reliable measurements of signal azimuth and inclination angle to locate event hypocenters. Numerical analyses of hypocenter uncertainties demonstrate that events located by time-terms alone can achieve better location reliability than hypocenters located...

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