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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2015 SEG Annual Meeting, October 18–23, 2015
Paper Number: SEG-2015-5929127
... of 100 m, depth to top of 50 m, depth extent of 2,050 m, and a density contrast of 1.0 g/cm3. The true model and data with 0.05-mGal noise are illustrated in red in Figure 4. Table 2: True and recovered parameters for dipping dyke. Par Loc Width Depth Depth Extent Dip Rho Sus Inc True Model -50 100 50...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2013 SEG Annual Meeting, September 22–27, 2013
Paper Number: SEG-2013-0050
... the Curie isotherm and Moho are shallow. structural geology modification depth estimation upstream oil & gas moho anomaly lower panel susceptibility magnetic source estimation depth extent magnetic layer crust equation upper panel local wavenumber approach reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2002 SEG Annual Meeting, October 6–11, 2002
Paper Number: SEG-2002-0408
... deposit has increased tenfold to >70 million tons, of varying grade, with less than one half of the newly discovered geophysical targets drilled to date. magnetic mapping conductor drilling resource inc depth extent base frequency magnetic survey deposit mineralization salt lake city...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2000 SEG Annual Meeting, August 6–11, 2000
Paper Number: SEG-2000-1113
... that may influence the location of kimberlite pipes. reservoir characterization physical property kimberlite exploration kimberlite pipe diamondiferous kimberlite pipe depth extent exploration program western australia diamond positive gravity anomaly magnetic survey kimberlitic rock...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2000 SEG Annual Meeting, August 6–11, 2000
Paper Number: SEG-2000-0355
..., depth of burial, strike length, depth extent, strike angle, dip angle, and conductance. The forward modeling is based on Weidelt''s integral-differential formula. The inversion algorithm is based on the second-order damped non-linear least squares method. The required Jacobian matrix is calculated from...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1997 SEG Annual Meeting, November 2–7, 1997
Paper Number: SEG-1997-0776
... zurich hansruedi maurer boundary survey area switzerland depth extent host sediment sediment Characterization of a composite landfill: a multidisciplinary approach Eva Lanz*, Hansruedi Maurer and Alan G. Green, Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Summary Characterization...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1984 SEG Annual Meeting, December 2–6, 1984
Paper Number: SEG-1984-0075
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. wednesday morning electrical method log analysis interpretation electrical method iii-miscellaneous upstream oil & gas depth extent conductor microcomputer formula interpretation chart tdem data seismic data wire loop...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1984 SEG Annual Meeting, December 2–6, 1984
Paper Number: SEG-1984-0077
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. interpretation equivalent current density electrical method ill 77 transmitter reservoir characterization formula vlf-em data computation quantitative interpretation tilt angle depth extent towed bird system characteristic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, September 11–15, 1983
Paper Number: SEG-1983-642-1
... are such that time scaling can be used in analyzing time responses. The advantages of using absolute amplitude in interpretation are manifold. Particular applications are in the estimation of depth extent and thickness of plate such as targets energized by a fixed. large loop source. Extensive model suites generated...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, October 17–21, 1982
Paper Number: SEG-1982-0348
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. inversion potential field basin characteristic feature anomaly upstream oil & gas geophysical experiment experiment operator parameter space interpretation magnetic anomaly simultaneous inversion depth extent reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, October 17–21, 1982
Paper Number: SEG-1982-0346
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. prosp orthogonality potential field data configuration modeling technique maximum curvature upstream oil & gas application example modeling reservoir characterization magnetization parameter space depth extent sensitivity...

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