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Keywords: bayesian theory
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, August 26–29, 2024
Paper Number: SEG-2024-4093855
... is predicted based on the results of elastic impedance inversion considering the compaction trend. In aspect of inversion method, we propose an improved Latin hypercube sampling strategy with mixed Gaussian distribution in the framework of Bayesian theory. This method is more in line with the prior probability...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 11–16, 2020
Paper Number: SEG-2020-3422609
... Bayesian theory is widely used in various seismic inversion methods. At present, most seismic inversion aims to obtain the elastic parameters of the formation (such as wave impedance, lame constant, etc.), and then obtains the extent and lithofacies of the target geological body through manual...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, September 15–20, 2019
Paper Number: SEG-2019-3216380
... develop a AVO inversion method based on Bayesian theory in ray parameter domain, whose output is density, P-wave impedance and /. These elastic parameters have high precision, which are valuable input for reservoir characterization because they are related to lithology and fluid content of the reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2018 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 14–19, 2018
Paper Number: SEG-2018-2995959
... well log reservoir characterization machine learning inversion result s-wave velocity information inversion method reflectivity bayesian theory low-frequency model noise inversion annual meeting seismic data stability artificial intelligence avo multi-trace group sparse inversion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2016 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 16–21, 2016
Paper Number: SEG-2016-13839146
... sensitive to random noise and the accuracy of spectrum decomposition. Presentation Date: Monday, October 17, 2016 Start Time: 3:20:00 PM Location: 174 Presentation Type: ORAL fluid factor dispersion annual meeting new hydrocarbon indicator bayesian theory upstream oil & gas zoeppritz...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2016 SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, October 16–21, 2016
Paper Number: SEG-2016-13855675
... elastic parameter angle domain fluid indicator avo inversion application impedance upstream oil & gas ray parameter domain bayesian theory equation incident angle domain inversion result inversion inversion result reflection coefficient seg seg international exposition...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2015 SEG Annual Meeting, October 18–23, 2015
Paper Number: SEG-2015-5890001
... machine learning pre-stack stochastic inversion algorithm pso method efficiency vfsa-based pso algorithm pso algorithm stochastic inversion upstream oil & gas artificial intelligence inversion noise inverted result resolution bayesian theory reservoir characterization elastic...

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