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Keywords: background conductivity
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2015 SEG Annual Meeting, October 18–23, 2015
Paper Number: SEG-2015-5869468
... with the radiusvector H (Figure 2). We introduce a horizontal plane P located at some depth underground (with the axis z directed downward). We also assume that the background conductivity of the earth is given as J#(H); the domain with anomalous conductivity is below plane P. Let us consider a semisphere, KL...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2014 SEG Annual Meeting, October 26–31, 2014
Paper Number: SEG-2014-1381
... Summary In this paper we propose a methodology to generate a 3D distribution of pseudo-chargeability from airborne time domain electromagnetic data. The processing flow is as follows: (a) Invert the TEM data to generate a background conductivity. This may involve omitting data...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2013 SEG Annual Meeting, September 22–27, 2013
Paper Number: SEG-2013-0442
... background conductivity We consider, first, the typical MEMRS survey consisting of a set of sea-bottom electrical and magnetic receivers and a fixed horizontal electric dipole transmitter located onshore. The transmitter generates a frequency domain EM field. The operating frequencies are usually selected...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2013 SEG Annual Meeting, September 22–27, 2013
Paper Number: SEG-2013-0146
... need to be considered. dc resistivity anomaly magnetic permeability spherical target electrical potential dipole magnetic source magnetic anomaly upstream oil & gas seg houston 2013 geophysics frequency background conductivity low frequency dipole source magnetic target...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2010 SEG Annual Meeting, October 17–22, 2010
Paper Number: SEG-2010-0655
... inversion result upstream oil & gas magnetic field conductivity background conductivity conductivity structure oldenburg inversion mt data seg seg denver 2010 british columbia information reservoir characterization grid algorithm ztem data ubc-geophysical inversion facility...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2007 SEG Annual Meeting, September 23–28, 2007
Paper Number: SEG-2007-0554
... SUMMARY We present a multigrid integral equation (IE) method for threedimensional (3D) electromagnetic (EM) field computations in largescale models with inhomogeneous background conductivity (IBC). This method combines the advantages of the iterative IBC IE method and the multigrid quasi...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 2005 SEG Annual Meeting, November 6–11, 2005
Paper Number: SEG-2005-0530
... and keep it un- changed during the inverse process. In this paper, we introduce a new method of the nonlinear MT inversion which takes into account the known variable background conductivity model. We demonstrate that this approach provides a natural way for fast but accurate Fréchet deriv- ative...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1997 SEG Annual Meeting, November 2–7, 1997
Paper Number: SEG-1997-0370
... ABSTRACT No preview is available for this paper. finite-difference approach migration conductivity variable background conductivity cross-section zhdanov equation hohmann background conductivity upstream oil & gas inversion time domain electromagnetic migration apparent...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 1996 SEG Annual Meeting, November 10–15, 1996
Paper Number: SEG-1996-0253
... Obviously, the background theoretical field compo- nents o, and o, depend on the con- ductivity distribution in the given geoelectri- cal model and, therefore, can be treated as a func- tional of the conductivity model: We would like to modify the background conductivity in such a way, that it will be equal...

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