
In this study, we manufactured synthetic samples of carbonate rocks by mixing a fixed quantity of calcite and sand changing the quantity of cementing material (commercial cement and water). We investigated the behavior of the main physical characteristics of these samples such as porosity, permeability and P- and S- waves versus the amount of cementing material. These values were also compared to samples of natural carbonates from Brazilian fields. The results showed that when increasing the quantity of cement fluid, porosity decreased in a linear way. We can also note that the permeability decreases when increasing cementing material. As expected, P- and S-wave velocities have increased with the decrease of porosity. When we compare the data of porosity, permeability and velocities of synthetic samples to natural carbonates, we can observe that the values are very close for many of these properties. Therefore, it can be concluded that the synthetic samples have consistent values of porosity, permeability and velocities when compared to the natural carbonate rocks with majorly primary porosity.

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