Electromagnetic geophysical methods are used in mineral exploration for the ability to detect conductors at depth. In igneous and metamorphic settings, the background half-space is often largely resistive. In such cases, it is important to consider the interaction between the target conductor and any thin, conductive overburden than might exist above the half-space. The overburden is often comprised of glacial tills and clays or the conductive weathering of basement rocks. This situation can be approximated using a discrete conductor model consisting of a "dipping sphere" in a resistive half-space underlying conductive overburden. A semi-analytical solution that considers the first-order interaction of the sphere and overburden has been derived to calculate the electromagnetic response. The simplicity and efficiency of this solution makes it well suited to be implemented when computation time and immediacy of results are desirable. To this end, we have developed a graphical user interface (GUI) based program to model the electromagnetic response of this model. The program is developed using C++ for the electromagnetic computations and python was used to develop the user interface. The program allows users to change the parameters of the survey and target body and quickly view the resulting changes in the shape and decay of the electromagnetic response.

Presentation Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Session Start Time: 1:50 PM

Presentation Time: 2:15 PM

Location: Poster Station 10

Presentation Type: Poster

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