Two surveys were distributed to faculty and student members of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists in 2016 by the SEG Women’s Network Committee (WNC). The surveys focused on assessing issues that women have raised about the academic environment. Student responses reveal that Geosciences department leadership (head/chairs) are critical to recruitment and retention of female and possibly other underrepresented groups. Despite positive actions including anti-harassment and parental-leave policies, the faculty responses indicate that gender-bias gaps still exist. One critical gap is that young female faculty are more likely than their male colleagues to be in non-tenuretrack roles. Also, female academics are more likely to report age discrimination and uncomfortable social interactions with peers of the opposite sex.
Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Start Time: 1:50:00 PM
Location: 204C (Anaheim Convention Center)
Presentation Type: Oral