AVO technique is an important application of Zoeppritz equation in geophysical exploration. Many important elastic parameters can be obtained by AVO inversion, which is based on approximation of the Zoeppritz equation. In order to make full use of the seismic data and improve the accuracy of parameter inversion, a method of getting high order approximation of the reflection transmission coefficient and a second order approximate equation of P wave reflection coefficient are given in this paper, which are considering the complete system of P-SV wave incidence and the theory of perturbations. Scattering matrix can be expressed as the sum of the background matrix and perturbation matrices with different orders. The AVO analysis shows that the second order approximation in this paper can achieve higher accuracy at the near critical angle and is more sensitive to the density variations.It provides a theoretical basis for solving problems of deep layers and performing long offset seismic inversion and high precision density inversion.

Presentation Date: Monday, October 15, 2018

Start Time: 1:50:00 PM

Location: Poster Station 11

Presentation Type: Poster

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