After Fan introduced the concept of synthetic aperture (SA) to marine controlled-source electromagnetics (CSEM), numerous of optimization methods are applied to SA weights selection for improving the detectability of deeply buried targets under seabed, but few are suitable for the seriously non-linear EM problems. This study presents an application of particle swarm optimization (PSO) to optimization of the phase shift and the amplitude compensation coefficient of SA for marine CSEM. Eigenstate analysis (EA), another non-linear SA weights optimization method, is also carried out in marine CSEM data processing for comparison. The 3D synthetic model reconstructed from Fan (2010) is used to better demonstrate the effects of the detectability with and without two optimization algorithms. In order to validate the effectiveness of PSO, we scan all the confined weights. The results of PSO converge to the global maximum in a robust and fast way.

Presentation Date: Monday, October 15, 2018

Start Time: 1:50:00 PM

Location: Poster Station 13

Presentation Type: Poster

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