The simultaneous inversion method for obtaining formation shear-wave anisotropy parameters is widely used based on the four-component dipole acoustic data. The methodcombines the information of the fast and slow principal waves and the auxiliary waves information obtained by the principal waves' derivative with respect to the azimuth. Inthis paper, the influence of the principal waves and the auxiliary waves on inversion of the target function is further studied, and the results of the simultaneous inversion methodin both fast and slow, strong and weak anisotropic formation are researched and analyzed. First, it is found that the minimum value of the principal waves target functionappears in the azimuth around 45° with the main direction in all the formation researched in this paper. Second, the inversion results may be unstable when the anisotropy is large in slow formation. Based on the characteristics and limitation of the simultaneous inversion algorithm found inthis paper, it is able to improve the algorithm effectively.

Presentation Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Start Time: 1:50:00 PM

Location: Poster Station 10

Presentation Type: Poster

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