Pore pressure is a critical input to a geomechanical model and impacts the mechanical stability of a well. It is also desirable to map the high pressure areas before drilling decisions are made as wells that intersect these zones are typically more prolific producers. A well-based workflow was developed that was able to predict the recorded pore pressure and then calibrate a geomechanical model which matched the wellbore measurements. This model was then tested on wells with the requisite log dataset and was able to replicate the observed mechanical wellbore behavior, highlighting the accuracy of the pore pressure prediction. The resultant models were then applied to a high resolution 3D seismic inversion encompassing key elastic properties and facies prediction to produce a 3D understanding of the distribution of pressure and stress.

Presentation Date: Monday, October 15, 2018

Start Time: 1:50:00 PM

Location: 206A (Anaheim Convention Center)

Presentation Type: Oral

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