Satellite surface deformation data acquired over the Umm Gudair field from 2003 onwards, using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data has revealed the existence of ground subsidence over the field. In this work, a geomechanical inverse modelling technique was employed to quantitatively relate observed surface subsidence with its subsurface source mechanisms, in particular, pore pressure changes from the Minagish Oolite reservoir. By discretizing the reservoir into hydro-mechanical units, we generate a set of numerically-derived forward operators mapping the effects of pore pressure changes to subsurface deformation and ultimately surface subsidence. These operators were generated using a 3D geomechanical model capturing structural and stratigraphic complexities of the underlying physical problem. In analysing the inverted pressure change patterns in light of reservoir geology and actual field production experience, our work showcases the use of observed InSAR surface subsidence during field development and the potential applications to monitor reservoir behaviour, drainage patterns and aquifer activity.
Presentation Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017
Start Time: 10:10 AM
Location: 370A
Presentation Type: ORAL