Colombian Caribbean offshore can still be classified as a high risk frontier basin, one challenge is the prediction of subsurface reservoir properties. So, it is mandatory to move forward on better practices to understand elastic properties of rocks under consideration. One approach to defeat this challenge is the use of rock physics analysis. Based on the well-known success of this technology, it is plausible to consider that reasonable rock physics models can be developed in order to link geological process, diagenesis and depositional with elastic properties of rocks, and seismic signature responses. This paper shows how to integrate information in different size scales to estimate and understand elastic properties of rock from a heterogeneous thin laminated shale-sand sequence. This approach allows to infer a good and valuable textural information as well as mineralogical composition of rocks, through the analysis of cutting samples, the use of these results in petrophysical analysis and ending in a reasonable parameterization of rock physics models.
Presentation Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Start Time: 9:20 AM
Location: 351D
Presentation Type: ORAL