Wavefield reconstruction inversion (WRI) is an improved full waveform inversion theory proposed in recent years. This method can expand the searching space by modifying the objective function, the model gradient is based on reconstructed wavefield which greatly improves the computing efficiency and migrates the influence of the local minimum. As the frequency domain wavefield reconstruction inversion have a high demand for computational memory and requires time-frequency transformation with additional computational costs to applied to real seismic data, we extend wavefield inversion theory to time domain is deduced so as the model gradient. The advantages and limitations of wavefield reconstruction in time domain are discussed in combination with numerical tests. At last, we analysis the applicability of wavefield reconstruction inversion in seismic parameters inversion.

Presentation Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Start Time: 3:55 PM

Location: Exhibit Hall C/D

Presentation Type: POSTER

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